Sunday, September 1, 2013

Nixon's first camping trip

 A few weekends ago Lance and his brother decided it would be fun to go camping.... with us wives and 3 young kids. We, the wives, were quite nervous on how this would all turn out but agreed to give it a try.
Once you have a kid there's a lot you have to think about when you go places, especially when it's your first time camping with a 6 month old.

I found this adorable hat and thought it would be perfect for camping

He's ready to camp. 
I'm interested to see how packed our car will be when we have more than one kid.

By the time we got to the campsite and decided on a camping spot Nixon about had it

Look at those giant tears

He was happy once he was freed from that car seat though

Easily entertained by a water bottle :)

We got to the campsite later then we had wanted to so the boys had to hurry and put up the tents before the sun went down.

adorable Ben casually eating his sandwich 

I bought this baby carrier for camping and it was more complicated than I wanted it to be. 

checking out the tent

Miss Clara and the boys getting ready to go fishing early in the morning

beautiful sunset

Getting ready for the night

Clara loves baby Nixon

Nixon's eyeing those marshmallows 

 I love this bear outfit but he only got to wear it a couple of times when he was first born before it got to hot. I brought the outfit thinking it would keep him nice and warm at night. Sadly the outfit was a little to small, but he still looks so darn cute in it! 
The outfit may look like it fits but the poor guy couldn't straighten out his arms or legs
I love this picture of Nixon!  

sorry picture's a little blurry
 Kids were put to bed, now it's time to sit and relax by the fire. One of my favorite things to do while camping is sit by the warm fire and soak in the stars and enjoy the peace and quiet.

I may not look it but I am having a good time

beautiful morning sunrise
 Well the thing we worried about the most on Nixon's first camping trip was how he would sleep through the night, and I'm proud to say he did GREAT! He did wake up a few times but I just gave him his binky and he went right back to bed. And I kid you not in the picture below is actually how happy he woke up.

I'm glad Nixon had a good night sleep because Lance and I did not. Not because of Nixon but the closest campsite to us had teenagers and they were up all night and loud. Plus we didn't bring any padding to put under our sleeping bags so it was very uncomfortable.

The boys got up early and went fishing that next morning.

Unfortunately no fish were caught that day.

Even in the morning Nixon was doing great. Just his happy cute self.

I think Nixon really enjoys camping

This hat is adorable but it kept rolling down over his eyes while he slept and it would wake him up.

After the boys finished fishing Lance's parents and sister and family all met up with us at our campsite for a BBQ and to swim at the pond. 

I believe it was last year Lance discovered the pond where we camped at down in Mona called Burraston Pond. The main attraction about this pond are the rope swings. Here is a video Lance's brother made of the last time we went to this pond. click here

There are three different heights for the rope swings:

For the first swing the take off is from the ground. This one is mainly used by kids. 
Gabe (my brother-in-law) doing a cool little trick

Brave Isaac taking a turn

           Cute little Adam even gave it a go

The next swing height was more off the ground and up in a tree.
Brave Alisa giving this swing a try- I was even to nervous to do this one
That Gabe sure has a lot of tricks up his sleeve :)

 The third and highest rope swing is a climb up to almost the top of the tree. Only Lance and his brother Ross dared to brave this one.

Ross and Lance trying to catch the rope being thrown up to them
Ross about to jump 
Lance about to jump
My two favorite guys

Nixon with Grandma Kathy

Lance showing off his famous backflip

I chickened out this year and didn't go on the swing, maybe next year :)

I'm happy to say that this camping trip was a success! I'm so glad Nixon did so well and I think he enjoyed it. As for myself I'm usually not a big camper but I had forgotten camping can be fun and that I actually kind of like it. but only for a day or two. :) I have a feeling Lance will want Burraston ponds to become a summer tradition, which is fine by me. 

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