Friday, November 9, 2012

I love the Temple!

A few weeks ago Lance and I got invited to be apart of a family sealing. Lance's cousin Eric and his wife Camille were having their adopted son sealed to them. I have never been a part of a family sealing so I was very excited to be able to witness this!

They had the sealing at the Timpanogos Temple, which was gorgeous inside (obviously).

Not sure what they were working on the temple, but it still looks beautiful even with all the construction stuff.

The sealing was amazing! The sealer talked a lot about families and how the temple allows us to be together for eternity. I sat there soaking in all that he said with so much gratitude in my heart for having these temples that allow us to be sealed to our loved ones for eternity.

I am so grateful that I am sealed to this wonderful, amazing, handsome man! I am so grateful that we made the decision to get sealed in the temple and that we will be sealed to our kids as a family forever!

Our black attire blends together so you can't tell how big I am :)
This is the cute little family we went to the sealing for. The littlest boy is the one who got sealed to Eric and Camille. 

Sorry I got a picture of you not smiling Camille. You still look gorgeous!

It was really sweet of Eric and Camille to invite us to be apart of the sealing. It was such a great experience! 

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